Thursday, February 7, 2013

In December 2011, a comment was left on a blog post about a waiter who overheard a conversation between a US Forestry official and a "white hair guy" in a suit about a photograph of Bigfoot. The waiter, who inadvertently glanced at the photograph, was threatened and promised a "good tip" if he kept quiet about what he saw. The following comment was posted anonymously:

I saw this post and had to comment! I am a server in a nice restaurant in Washington. I had a table for lunch two days ago and one of my tables was having a heated discussion about what I think may have been bigfoot. I know this is kinda crazy but two of the guys seemed to be in charge but somehow different. Like maybe the one younger guy was in charge of his people and the other guy, who was older with white hair was in charge of his people. The older guy had two other guys with him and one was wearing a US Forestry Uniform. At first I thought he was a cop but our police uniforms don't look like his. That guy was answering the white hair guy, who was in a suit, always with "sir" like, yes sir, no sir, etc. As I was dropping off their appetizers they had several pictures on the table and I just picked one right up to check it out........bad move, the uniform guy practically jumped over the table and the younger guy who seemed to be in charge of the other guys quickly snatched it out of my hand. The white hair guy, very politician like smiled at me and said, its a bear and kinda nodded at me. It seemed a semi friendly response so trying to deescalate the situation I came back and kinda jokingly said "not any kind of bear I have ever seen" ........another mistake. The younger guy snapped and pointed to one of his guys who got up and came over to me and took my wallet out of my pocket and handed it to the younger guy who got my id out. He looked at it for a moment and then he said something like, "look we are going to tip you well, which is better for you than the alternative." then he said "what you saw was a bear and nothing more" BUT the way he said it was like, look man it was bear not matter what you saw! I am a film student, I pay attention to what I see, it was no bear. Anyway, as the meal went on I listened where I could and know for sure I heard something about tracking the "anomaly" in Tennessee. It struck me weird that he was saying anomaly instead of animal, "it", or anything like that...I also am positive I heard them say something about electronic tracking and that it was 100% fail proof and that the Tennessee test was proof.

That's what I heard and so I started googling and found this site, then I saw the "overheard" post and it seemed the right place to put this. I also maybe crazy and it might have just been a bear but I certainly don't like being threatened, although I did like the tip, 200 tip on 400 meal....

If anyone wants to help me find out who these guys are and if this is real then one of them dropped a business card out of

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